Having been introduced to photography at a very early age by his father, Thierry started taking his own photos at the age of 12 with an analog Nikkormat EL. His natural interests led him to mainly photograph aircraft and landscapes, photos of which he collected in thick albums. After a couple of years, and many many shots later, he had to take a photography break as the hobby was getting too expensive for a teenager with no personal income. On top of it Thierry started getting serious with his other great passion, aviation.
While following his dream to become a pilot, he felt the desire to capture the world of aviation he was witnessing first hand now. That is when he grabbed his (still analog) Nikon F70 and resumed where he left off a couple years earlier. He focused on photographing aircraft and airports often from angles that were thitherto unreachable. It is when going digital in 2003 that Thierry was finally able to take the photos he wanted. Joining the large aviation community at Airliners.net, first as a photo contributor and later as a crew member, was another important step in improving his photographic skills and building up a large portfolio of aviation photos. More than 6,000 of his aviation photos can be seen at Airliners.net. On Thierry's own site here, he shows aviation the way he wants it without any artistic barriers in the gallery Aviation.
Considering the above one could think that the path is the goal. Not quite so here, as the many great destinations that Thierry is able to visit are worthwhile goals themselves. This could be a snow capped volcano in Mexico, the gorgeous Cornish coast, the highest building in the world in Dubai or a secret garden in Japan. He tries to show the beauty of the places he visits in new ways, whether it be well known landmarks or little secret gems. The results are displayed in the gallery named Travel Photography.